Pinterest SEO: Create pins optimized for the algorithm

Pins are the heart of your Pinterest marketing. They help you convey your information and offers to your target group. For this to work optimally, however, it's not just the design of your pin that matters, but also how you create it.

This is because a perfect pin is designed in such a way that the Pinterest algorithm can read it in the best possible way, assign it to your target group and display it to them. An optimally created Pinterest pin is therefore crucial for your marketing success on the platform. In this article, we will look together at how to upload pins and what you need to pay attention to in order to create your pin in the best possible way. 

What is a Pinterest PIN?

You can think of a pin as a digital sticky note . Your target group can find information that you provide on it. This could be video instructions, info graphics or advertising for your online course. 

A pin consists of an image, a graphic or a video, a headline, the description text and a URL. And the best thing is, you can optimize all these components for the Pinterest algorithm in just a few simple steps. 

How can I publish a pin on Pinterest?

To upload a pin to Pinterest, click on "Create" > "Create pin" in the navigation at the top of your desktop. Or, if you are in your pinboard, on your profile or in the mobile app on Pinterest, click on the + icon. A new window will open in which you can upload your pin and create the title and description.

The metadata is important too

The first step to creating optimal pins is to look at the metadata of your graphics - because this is read by the Pinterest algorithm. The metadata (title, description and source) provides important image information, e.g. who the author is, what can be seen in the image or what the topic is. If you create your images using photo editing software such as Photoshop, you can change the meta title and meta description manually before exporting. This does not work if you create your images via Canva. 

In addition, always make sure to adjust the file name and fill it with relevant keywords . It is best to describe the topic of your pin and what it is about. 

Instead of "Image 3455.jpg", your file could be called "marketingminded_blog_pinterest-seo-how-to-crate-optimal-pinterest-pins.jpg", for example.

Writing the ideal pin title

You should always give your pins a short and concise title that makes people want to find out more about the topic. Be careful not to reuse the text on your graphic one-to-one and work with relevant search terms and keywords. You can also use keywords such as "the best", "cheap", "discount campaign", tips" etc. in your pin title. 

The headlines of your blog articles, are often suitable for this, so you don't have to think of anything new and can reuse existing content. 

Your pin title can contain up to 200 characters including spaces. You should place the most important keywords at the beginning, as the text is cut off after 40 characters.

The pin description: Space for More

Your pin description should provide more information about the topic. With the description, you primarily want to draw qualitative attention to the topics that can be found behind the pin - i.e. on the page you are linking to. Therefore, use complete sentences for the description and avoid keyword bashing at all costs. Also avoid hashtags, as these are not clickable in the description and therefore do not provide any added value to the searcher. Remember for the description: the algorithm learns from the overall context of your pin to read the topics relevant to you - not from a random collection of words. 

It is also worth placing a call to action in the description for searchers. This could look like this, for example: Learn more now, Find out more here, Subscribe to newsletter, Read the expert interview, etc.

You have a total of 500 characters with spaces available for the pin description. 

The target page is the target

You have learned that the algorithm reads the content of your Pin and concludes from this which subject area and which interests your Pin matches. To do this, it draws information from the metadata, the graphic itself, the title and the description that you provide, but also from the URL that you enter for your pin. For a long time, the trend was to place your own URL behind all pins that you uploaded or memorized from other sites in order to gain more traffic. This behavior is now penalized by the algorithm. The Pinterest algorithm reads your target page and checks whether it matches the pin thematically.Therefore, always make sure that there is a strong thematic reference. For this reason, you should also avoid, linking your pins only to the homepage. 

Pinterest loves new content. The newer and more up-to-date the page you link to your pin is, the better the pins will perform.But Pinterest also lovesspecific content. It is therefore worth using anchor links to link your pins to the parts of your blog articles that are specifically about the text on the pin, especially for long landing pages. This means that in addition to a general topic reference, your landing page should also specifically address the topic of your pin. 

Boards and pins: a match mage in heaven

Next, you can choose which pinboard you would like to publish your pin on. Here too, there should be a clear thematic link between the pinboard and the pin . You can also publish your pin on different pinboards - if it makes thematic sense. In this case, you should first note your pin on the wall where there is the greatest thematic match. Then wait 1-2 weeks and post the pin on the pinboard that also matches, but not quite as strongly as the first one. You should not pin it on more than three pinboards. 


DThe Pinterest algorithm reads users according to their interests and bundles them into categories or tags that you can select when creating your pins. This works in a similar way to the interest filter if you want to place ads. This means that when you use the tags, you help Pinterest to identify, which content can be seen on your pins and which interest groups your pins are interesting for. You can enter your own keywords here or use the tags suggested by Pinterest as a guide. I recommend the latter - of course only if they make sense for you and your topic, your target group. 

Publish later, comment and off you go

Next, you can decide whether you want to publish your pin now or later. Unlike other platforms, Pinterest allows you to schedule your pins in advancewithout being penalized in any way. Pinterest allows you to pre-schedule up to 20 pins via the desktop version. Under further options , you can also specify whether your pin can be commented on or not. This function is activated by default. And whether visual search should be activated for your Pin so that users can browse the products on your Pin using the visual search. This is particularly useful if you post lifestyle or interior pins. For example, if you are wearing a jacket in a picture that a user likes, they can use the visual search to suggest similar products. If you want to sell products yourself via your pins, I recommend switching this function off. 

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